Our Team

Our teaching method

Meet our Team

At TCBJS we pride ourselves on delivering excellent learning programs at the elementary and secondary school levels.

Our primary and pre-primary students are high achievers thanks to our passionate team of  quality teachers pride themselves on creating interactive, supportive learning environments for children and integrate innovative learning methods and technologies to strengthen learning.

Contact us for more Information

We’re open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Give us a call, drop us an email or feel free to stop by whenever, someone will always be available to receive you! 

Ms. Carol K.

The pride, dedication, and hard work that our students place on their educational goals is not only the secret to their easy advancement to junior high school, but it also forms the foundations of their continued success.

Mr. Mathew M.

We strive to offer a stimulating child centered environment where each learner is respected and nurtured to achieve the highest standards of intellectual personal development. The instructional approach is designed to suit our diverse students’ background. 

Ms. Josephine M.
department teacher

The school’s purpose is to provide motivated students who have demonstrated success and potential for growth with an opportunity to pursue a program of studies that challenges and enriches their learning experiences.  

Ms. Judith O

Our approach to learning is about more than 123s and ABCs. We nurture children’s natural desire to learn through our world-class Curriculum, based on contemporary early childhood thinking and research. We focus on respect, responsibility and community, brought to life through exploration, discovery and play. 

Mr George N.

Our Approach to Education empowers the head, heart & body allowing children to be all that they can be. We educate our future, by guiding our children to face the challenges of every new day with a Growth mindset. This framework encompasses mindful awareness,  healthy eating, solution focused skill set, passion and perseverance

Ms. Lucy M.

Whether your child is three years old or 10 years old, we as teachers and educators are always observing and working hard to understand your child’s individual traits, likes and motivations. By doing this it enables us to know and understand completely what lights up each child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

Ms. Hannah O.

Our Approach to Education empowers the head, heart & body allowing children to be all that they can be. We educate our future, by guiding our children to face the challenges of every new day with a Growth mindset. This framework encompasses mindful awareness,  healthy eating, solution focused skill set, passion and perseverance

Ms. Janet M.

Our approach to learning is about more than 123s and ABCs. We nurture children’s natural desire to learn through our world-class Curriculum, based on contemporary early childhood thinking and research. We focus on respect, responsibility and community, brought to life through exploration, discovery and play. 

Ms. Zipporah O.

Whether your child is three years old or 10 years old, we as teachers and educators are always observing and working hard to understand your child’s individual traits, likes and motivations. By doing this it enables us to know and understand completely what lights up each child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

Ms. Esther M.

Our approach to learning is about more than 123s and ABCs. We nurture children’s natural desire to learn through our world-class Curriculum, based on contemporary early childhood thinking and research. We focus on respect, responsibility and community, brought to life through exploration, discovery and play. 

Ms. Nelly K

Our Approach to Education empowers the head, heart & body allowing children to be all that they can be. We educate our future, by guiding our children to face the challenges of every new day with a Growth mindset. This framework encompasses mindful awareness,  healthy eating, solution focused skill set, passion and perseverance

Miss. Jane N.

Whether your child is three years old or 10 years old, we as teachers and educators are always observing and working hard to understand your child’s individual traits, likes and motivations. By doing this it enables us to know and understand completely what lights up each child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.