The Primary School provides a stimulating learning environment and offers structured opportunities for academic, physical and social development, whilst encouraging children to become independent and take responsibility for their own learning.
The Primary School provides a stimulating learning environment and offers structured opportunities for academic, physical and social development, whilst encouraging children to become independent and take responsibility for their own learning.
At the Corner Brook Junior School, we follow an adapted form of CBC whereby students study a range of subjects, including Mathematics, English, and Science. Here are some of the perks of our personalised curriculum:
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By developing our own individual curriculum, we can make sure that the content is designed specifically to suit the needs and interests of our students. In the Preparatory School, students take tests in our offered subjects then undertake a major examination at the end of Grade 4.. Such testing allows us to monitor pupil standards and to track individual progression in learning.
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Our Teaching Method
By developing our own individual curriculum, we can make sure that the content is designed specifically to suit the needs and interests of our students. In the Preparatory School, students take tests in our offered subjects then undertake a major examination at the end of Grade 4.. Such testing allows us to monitor pupil standards and to track individual progression in learning.