

Our Admissions

75% of all students who apply will be invited to join the Corner Brook Junior School. 

The parents or guardians of the students selected will receive a personal call. You will be asked to confirm your child’s attendance at that time. If you require time to make your decision, you will be given 24 hours to respond or your position will be given to another applicant. The process of notifying applicants takes about a week.

You may hear from TCBJS up to a month later as that is our deadline to notify applicants.


Our Admissions

75% of all students who apply will be invited to join the Corner Brook Junior School. 

The parents or guardians of the students selected will receive a personal call. You will be asked to confirm your child’s attendance at that time. If you require time to make your decision, you will be given 24 hours to respond or your position will be given to another applicant. The process of notifying applicants takes about a week.

You may hear from TCBJS up to a month later as that is our deadline to notify applicants.

Contact us for more Information

We’re open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Give us a call, drop us an email or feel free to stop by whenever, someone will always be available to receive you! 

Our admission requirements

We as the parent or guardian of the student to provide the following: